Saturday, September 1, 2007

Anti-Aging Remedy?

Yesterday's Priority List:
Workout Today? Yes/No
Planned workout today? Yes/No
Planned meals for today?
Followed plan for meals? Yes/
Healthy food choices today? Yes/No _100___% (__6__ out of 6 meals) *skipping meals denotes unhealthy food choice
Enjoyed my family today? Yes/No
Succeeded for school today? Yes/No *school does not start until Sept 10

Josh Hillis' blog sent me to an article at today (a place for runners, it seems). I am not, and never will be, a long-distance runner (hell, training for a 5k seems to be too much for my hip), but it's always good to read up on more stuff when you're a trainer. The whole article makes one think, but here's a paragraph that's really applicable: (Click here for the article)

Generally, exercise is a great way to increase muscle mass and, hence, organ reserve. We were, after all, designed to move. The difference is that our DNA blueprints were fine-tuned to have us operating optimally when we walk long distances, sprint like hell periodically, move occasional heavy loads, climb trees and generally tap into our fat-based energy system and our ATP-based energy systems. The benefits of true low level activity are many: We develop an extensive capillary network to bring fatty-acid fuel to each and every muscle cell, we up-regulate the production of fat-mobilizing and fat-burning enzymes which take fat out of storage and present it to the mitochondria for combustion, we improve cardiac muscle efficiency and cardiac capacity and we increase natural internal antioxidant levels. As for the ATP-based system, intermittent heavy loads do increase muscle mass very effectively, also stimulating growth hormone release, as well as improving insulin sensitivity and promoting bone density. The net effect of surviving that run in with a saber tooth tiger was that you got stronger and better adapted to do it again next time.

Did you hear that? Intermittent sprints, some low-level movement (the stairs instead of the elevator, that enjoyable walk around the block/neighborhood), and weight training, in combination with good nutrition (fruits and veggies, withprotein, nuts and Omega-3's in the right ratio to Omega-6's), as the way to retard aging.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Great info! Thanks Carrie.