Thursday, August 13, 2009

The New Direction.

I'll admit one thing and do it right away: the last year, fitness/nutrition-wise, sucked. I didn't get my legs under me. I pretty much did the most basic, wimpy, sally-type thing I could do.

So now that's out of the way, I'll let you know what I have been up to.

I'm starting a new direction. I'm spending this month doing the planning, the decision-making, the psychological junk that needs to be done before any workout or nutrition program begins. I've set my goals on paper, I've decided where I want to go and how I want to get there. I've been modifying my eating habits little by little, weaning off the sugar and reducing portion sizes. Increasing water intake. Doing movement that is non-intentional but more than I have been doing.

The official Start Date is August 29, a Sunday. It's quite literally almost two weeks from this Sunday. It will last 84 days, or exactly three months. This gives me an end date of November 21. It is a full program, taking me from semi-in-shape to killer fit, and from current stats (which still need to be measured, but are likely somewhere around 170 lbs and 26% bodyfat) to 146 lbs and 21% bodyfat (or at a rate of ~2 lbs and .5% bf reduction per week). There will then be a further month (right around the holidays, heh) to take me down to 140 lbs and 20% bodyfat. Then, I will go from there.

Wanna be with me?

I'll provide a full 14-week program- what to do, how to do it, when to do it. Exercise, nutrition, the works. Just email carrie_dr @ (without the spaces). I'll email you the specifics.

I'm blogging daily, even short posts when I have little time. I'll be posting food photos/logs, exercise logs, and much more. I'll try not to philosophize too much. But that's the basics for now.

Let me know if you want to join me.


1 comment:

Ripx180 said...

glad to see your back at it. Looking forward to reading about your journey. Best of luck!!!