Saturday, May 29, 2010

The final Tally

Well, here's the final tally as of this past Wednesday! I leave tomorrow for the cruise, so Bon Voyage!

Starting ---> Final

Weight 161-->151.8 lbs
Bodyfat % 30.3% -->24.5% (-6%)
Right Arm 12.75" -->11.75" (-1")
Bra Strap 33" -->31.25" (-1.75")
Waist (at navel) 30.5" -->28.75" (-1.75")
Hips 37" -->34.25 (-2.75")
Glutes 41" -->39" (-2")
Right Thigh 23.75" -->22.5" (-1.25")

The reason for the newspaper behind me is that I also entered the "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" challenge, and it started this past week. I'm going all the way, baby! I've got 98 days and I'm attaining the holy grail for myself: 18% bodyfat. I've currently got 114 pounds of lean muscle mass, so I'm going to keep all focus off muscle-building (at least, intentional muscle-building- when you're doing Crossfit, the muscle's gonna happen). This means I've got a full 12 pounds of pure fat to melt off myself.

This means I enter "scary" territory. I'm currently at the same place I was at in May 2008 (give or take a percentage point). I have basically got to make sure I stay out of old cycles, habits, and pounce on those subconscious blocks right away.

The prize for the best body transformation is a trip to Maui. That'd be awesome: a trip to Baja to reward myself for where I'm at currently, and a trip to Maui to reward myself for going the final mile.

I'm so happy though! I realized today that I was wearing a tank top that I'd been wearing through the winter, and quite often, would have to pull it down because it was technically too small and it would creep up. I would unconsciously tug at it today, but I didn't actually need to! I also bought a new pair of shorts for the cruise: size 11 Juniors (keep in mind I've had a kid, and most Juniors' clothing has no room for a butt)! All the other shorts, except one, in my drawer are way too big.

Kevin put out a call to gather together the FAT Coalition again. Head to his blog and leave a comment if you're in. My blogging habits may not increase this summer, but remember, I'm in this with you!


Ripx180 said...

10 pounds made a big difference in your photos!! looking good and you can see that ab definition coming in. Really reduced your mid section fat. Now you have to stick to it and realize your potential. Keep getting it done, you are almost there. Plus a free trip to Maui would be the perfect place to wear the bikini ;)

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